Aligning our interest with our client's, we provide customized solutions according to their requirements. We will firstly optimize return from refurbishment of equipment where prior authorization is obtained from client. We then look into possible spares and components recovery. Finally we recover precious metals in the most environmentally friendly manner. Engaging in close consultation with our client to ascertain approved methods of treating their electronics waste is of absolute importance to our business.
SMR has completed and installed state of the art mechanical equipment to crrush electronics waste and Precious Recovery Plant in Melaka. Besides acting as collection centre, we also have facilities for segregation, dismantling and crushing of electronics equipments.
The furnace will use electricity for the smelting process with a temperature range up to 240°C - 300°C. A metal suction hood will be used to vent out flue gas generated during the opening of the top lid. The suction hood will be conneted to the air pollution control system. The smelting process will produce molten solder which will then go through the casting process to produce the solder bars.